- Size- 15 hands
- Age -
- Sex -
- Color -
- Breed -
- Rider level - Brood mare
- Temperament - Calm and quiet
- Wants to please
- Responds to frequent positive reinforcement
- Still in the prime of life
- Like all mules, she's sure-footed
- Will jump into a lope, and stop on a dime
- Rides on a loose rein
- Cows aren't her favorite animals, but she will make a business of working them and rounding up the herd.
- Available June 25 after working cattle on the mountain
"Horseworks is a place perfectly designed to expand your horizons and constantly push yourself to learn new things. Having been a fairly new rider, I'd built my confidence riding a few of the horses and was keen to push myself on another horse, a mule (Bamba) to be precise. To build both my confidence and the confidence of the mule, MaeCile and I took her into the round-pen to do groundwork, working with Bamba to gain some understanding as to how she would move and respond while riding. Having gained some fantastic insight from the very knowledgeable MaeCile and begun building rapport with Bamba, it was time for a ride out. What followed was one of my most enjoyable rides yet and I instantly fell in love. If you've never ridden a mule before, I highly recommend giving it a go at least once! Bamba was, from then on, my go to horse/mule." - Luke